Interest in the interested

January 01, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

  In medicine, as in any profession, there are jibes and jokes that though they maintain territory, often hold some truth.  One that caused a large enough shift of paradigm for me is "what do you call a veteranarian whom only treats one species of animal? - A doctor."

    There is  a premise that as the parallels between human and beast diseases are so common, that what the medical world actually does is treat disease, not human health.  Pest control if you will.  Where am i going with this?  Not sure, It just gives me pause in portraiture.  Since the commonalities between portraits of humans and animal portraits are numerous, I wonder, just what is being considered in either case.

    This was/is a horse that pulls tourist carriages around the Old Port in Montreal.  The news story of the time was how the recent condo development was pricing its existing stables out of the market, so they wouldn't be able to be housed in the city anymore, risking their employment....  So would the horse care?  This one was interested enough in whom was taking an interest in them self.-
which was interesting , Which was weird,  Like the commonalities between vets and docs and their separate treatments. 

Which made me think of art, and that I am mostly only interested in the interesting stuff.






© GAMcCullough      2012


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